Friday, June 06, 2008

Message For Chis

Well, Chris, since you have lied to me and various others, and dropped off the face of the earth, I thought you would probably find this sooner then later, because your family is still up my butt. Would you just get it together and call me so we can make arrangements for you and I to get our divorce and such. I still have a lot of your stuff here you might want. I do have some important legal documents as well. I don't care either way if you chose to stay down there, I just need to know, and so does Hema. She is still covering for you so you can have a job up here if you are coming back. But she does need to know, because no one has any days off until you get back. But no one here is mad or anything, we just need to know.
Also I have idea what is going through your head when I made you all kinds of offers with money and a car, and you just up and disappear. I am sorry for your loss, but if you keep ignoring me I will keep bother Mark. You know it is not fair to put him in the middle of this, and I do have some of your families phone numbers, but I really don't want to call them. If you don't want me in your life that is fine, I would just like a few things finalized. You have my number. Call me.

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