So, if you know me personally you know I am trying to get pregnant. Also if you know me, you know I can't get pregnant the natural way. I use a medicine dropper for babies to self inseminate myself such as the one pictured below.

Since this object is small I am able to ease it in without too much pain. I have done research before on getting pregnant and I am doing more now. Before I generally understood the concept of following my ovulation cycles and loosely followed them. Basically I used the method of counting days after my cycle, but looking back now that is not exactly accurate since I have a long cycle, lasting up to 32 days between periods. So, this time around I am actually going to be purchasing a ovulation prediction kit in hopes of increasing the chances of success.
With a ovulation detection kit you actually know before you ovulate that it is about to happen. Where as with the counting method or taking your basal body temp it is more of guess or you know afterwards. The kit tests your urine for a hormone called Luteinizing Hormone, which right before your ovulation becomes very high.
As for the cost, there are a variety of places you can purchase them. offers them for only $13.02 for a 7 day kit. Then I can also pick them up at my local WalMart.
I haven't purchased any yet, because I am still waiting to see if I get my period this month. I keep my fingers crossed that we did something right this time!
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