Ok, I guess I haven't written in a while. I am sorry for that. I have been super busy. Usually write toward the end of the day, and my boss has me working everyday this week. So it sucks. But is good, because I am getting tons of hours. I was on register all day today, which wasn't cool. I did nothing but run all day long. I sent a lot of text messages though, lol. I work tomorrow then I have the entire weekend off. I am going to get tons and tons of cleaning cleaning done then. My house is trashed. Zack got a lot of cleaning done today, mostly getting boxes out of the house. I have a date next Tuesday that I am extremely excited about ( and kinda nervous too). I want to get a lot of unpacking done between now and then. I want the house to look really good, in case we decide to come back here, because he is coming here. I just can't wait!!
I think I will be carving my pumpkin this weekend! That should be fun. I wish I could have decorated more for Halloween, but since the move date got pushed back, most of the decor is lost amoung the packed stuff. Coco is super tired. She spent the last few hours running around like a freak! She can be one psycho pup. But I love her so much. I just don't see how I could live without her. She is my baby.
I am still unsure of my Halloween plans, but I will be doing something. If I had more friends, then I would throw a party. Although I am still not sure if I would because I think I would freak out about the time someone spilled something on my new carpet. This is the first carpet I have ever owned that was nice, and clean.
I have gotten two more boxes unpacked, which is good, because I having a hard time finding my pants! I am frustrated though because I can't find the pedal to my sewing machine. It must have gotten separated in the move. I really need it because I bought these huge curtains and I had to split them in half for them to fit the windows. Well now I need to sew up the edges and I can't! I wish I knew where things were! Like we couldn't find the cat food all day long. It was beside the fridge all along, but the cat wasn't happy yo have had to wait. Chris found Zoe laying in the bath tub earlier. She usually lays in the lizard tank under the heat lamp. Oh, and then she owns the windows.
I am going to try harder to keep up on my writing. I love to write, so I just need to make time for it. I ams till collecting those HyVee receipts for the heating aid this winter. I have a stack I need to take over to my moms house. She has a little envelope that she is keeping of them.
I have a fairly long day tomorrow, I have to run a lot of errand. I have to go and buy food, then I have to go to the bank, I would really like to stop by the salvation army, and then Chris wants to take me out to eat since I haven't been in a while. He is going to be running errands with me so it should be fun.
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