Me, Mom, Mickey, Holden, and Todd all went trick or treating together. It was a lot of fun. We went walking done the streets in me and moms neighborhoods. The kids did pretty well. We went to the church after that. They had whats called Trunk-or-Treat. People sit in the parking lots with their trunks open and the kids trick or treat there. Then we went to the hospital. By the time we all got there, we got through pretty quick. So it wasn't too bad, besides it was hot. Then we swung back by the church again. Finally we went and ate at McDonalds. They were having .59 cent cheeseburgers today. Mom bought us all dinner. Which was really nice of her. We went back to moms and unloaded. I had Todd bring me home, and I showed him around my house some. It is wild because I own so much stuff. But he has to work tomorrow, so we said our goodbyes. I have to say I had a overall Awesome day.
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