Hey! This is my blog about my life and things in life I find interesting and I am passionate about!
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Another Trip to the ER
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Friday, August 22, 2008
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Go Green

This was a really neat find. I stumbled accross a womens go green site that has all kinds of neat things on it. The thing I find interesting that I am posting about here now is these designer purses. They are all made 100% from recycled mens suits! I think that is wild and they look neat too.
mandinka's Shop Announcement Welcome to Mandinka Designs' cyber store!Our unique line of bags, bugs and accessories are expertly crafted from reclaimed & recycled men’s suit coats. Each bag is a beautiful work of art -- inside & out -- and is an artful combination of jacket parts including sleeves, collars, pockets and even labels.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Family Day At Prairie Meadows
Well, Me, Jeremy, Chris, Mickey and Holden went o family day the the Prairie Meadows Race Track. It was a lot of fun. We got our pictures taken with Batman and Spiderman. They were pretty cool.
I know I haven't really updated in a while. I have the mobile blogging I use as a get me by. But I have been so busy with work and the house. I bought a Xbox360 on ebay today. I thought the boys deserved it. They have been working really hard on the house. I am working one day of over time this up coming week. Then I am signing up for another day the next week. I am still trying to cut back so I can recover from my extra long work weeks. The good news is I am talking to my mom again. So I have been seeing the kids. I took them to family day at the races. I am going to do a separate post about that. Then I have a bunch more stuff up for sale. Me and my mom are having a huge yard sale over the holiday weekend. Mom says she might put it off, but I really don't want to. She is going in for surgery tomorrow. So I am taking the kids to school. Krystal has a interview with Iowa Telecom, which is awesome. Chris has been doing really well with the house, he got the new cabinet put in today.
Oh, I have been collecting Sobe bottle caps, because I want to make a stepping stone out of them. I think that would be so cool. I have been getting a lot more lately because Jeremy drinks it a lot. So I am doing good with that. I am going to try to find mroe time to do my scrap booking, because I really do love to do that.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Friday, August 15, 2008
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
I went over to my moms today. I was tired of not seeing the kids. So she can be mad at me all she wants, but I am going to see them. SO I took them a bunch of stuff over and gave it to them. I gave her a plant, but it was too late to save it, so she put me a live plant in the pot. Which was really nice. I think I might give her what is left of my potting soil. Her kitchen looks nice. I did enjoy going over there. I might go back later, I am not sure yet. I have some plant seeds I am going to split up with her, I don't need all of them. I took the Tru Back I bought over there so she can try it out.I hope it works. I paid forty bucks for it. They did research on it in the University of Iowa. It makes a lot of sense how it works. I got it for my back pain, but then mine is muscle related, not spinal. So my moms is mostly spinal. I took Asia and Coco over there with me. Asia wasn't too happy about the whole idea. She wasn't upset the whole time, just most of it. Coco had a blast though. I am so glad I got to see Mickey and Holden. I miss them everyday. Mickey kept giving me hugs and kisses.I told them about taking them to family day at the races.
Thursday, August 07, 2008
I put aliminum foil over my windows today to help block out the sun light. I was told by a co-worker that it also deflects heat. Which would be a good idea, considering my bed covers half of the floor vent for the air conditioning. I am still kinda debating between which house I want to buy. Because Chris did bring up the point of all the maintence the bigger one requires with tentants and such. So I am not sure. I really like the yard and all the garages. I mean come on! Who would turn down 13 garages!! Plus I can walk to the salvation army. I love that. I am working the Wynonna Judd concert tonight. I am happy because I am in a place were I will get to heart the whole thing! I am excited. It will be like being paid to go to a concert. I worked the Heart concert, but I was in parking all night. SO that really really sucked. But I did get to talk to a bunch of the band members and pet the dogs that belong to the lead singers. Petting the dogs was probably more interesting then meeting the singers anyway, becuase I didn't even know who sang the music until I learned about the concert. Well, I am off here until tomorrow. Have to worka double today!
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
Stuff Done!
It is funny, Krystal being here and me going through stuff, has completely wore the dogs out and they are all passed out around me. Garth and Coco sleep with me every night, and Asia has her doggy bed on the floor. She still falls off the bed, so I really don't feel safe having her up here. I don't want the baby to get hurt.
Jeremy baiscally has to work all day today, which kinda sucks, but he is trying to get more hours. He is still looking for a better job too. Quiznos doesn't pay that well. He misses his job at Prairie Meadows and people there miss him too. He is just one of those guys everyone likes.
I am hoping that by Christmas time I could get on for security at Trinity Manufacturing. They build those wind mills that generate power. Which I think is cool as hell!!! I am very pro recycling and go green. I have a ton of recycling that I am putting out with my trash. They do that for free out here. I love it. I also pick up pop cans and bottle because they are worth a nickel a piece. I pick up the ones that aren't worth money too, because when you take them in, they will get recycled too. We only have so much material to work with on earth, we have to be careful and not take that for granted.