Hey! This is my blog about my life and things in life I find interesting and I am passionate about!
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Sunday, November 23, 2008

I worked a nine hour shift at work, which was blah. I finished Krystal's birthday present, lol, which is another day late. But I don't work until 5:30PM tomorrow, so I plan on bringing it to her. I really wanted to get the finishing touches put on it. I think it looks really good. I spent some time on http://www.etsy.com/ updating my favorites/wish list. I think next month on my group I am going to put that on my wish list. I love swap-bot, but for now our funds have run out, so no more swapping until we get things a little better. I am only in two swaps now, and I think I have them about ready. I get paid a day early because of thanks giving, which rocks. I have fallen in love with the kawaii pandas. That's the picture at the top. I have gotten a few things with them through swaps. I have gotten some of my moms Christmas presents through swaps too.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Today was a good day. I got some rest and picked up my food from share at my moms house. I am gonna try some new recipes with the potatoes I got this time. Jeremy came over and helped me clean out some of the basement. I got four bags of trash out. It was stuff that was ruined in the flood. I still have other things down there that need thrown out. I also talked to my mom about a idea I had for Christmas, which is actually going to work out very well. I have seen these cards at WalMart that are for college students, and one card it a loader card and the other is a spender card. This way no matter where the parent or student is located, they can put money on the cards and spend the money as well. It is easy and quick. I thought this was a pretty awesome thought and my grandma is going to to do it for all the people in the family so she can send gifts easier(and on time.) I am very excited about that. I am picking up the cards tomorrow and then mom is going to mail them on Monday. I washed some dishes and fed and watered the dogs. I finished up Krystals birthday present today. I just have to wait for the glue to dry and put it together. I am giving it to her a day late. But better late then never, plus I hope she likes it. I am gonna take pictures and put them up on here. I just finished reading Twilight by Stephenie Meyer. The movie came out in theater yesterday. I am very excited to see it and I hope they decide to make the other books in the series into a movie as well. Justin has been doing really well at his new job. He will have thanks giving off from work and I am excited about that. I have to work in the evening, but we will eat all day! I feel kinda sorry for his mom, because she is missing out on being in her sons life and doesn't have any one to spend holidays with. But it was her choice to be this way. Justin doesn't seem to mind, he never mentions her or anything. My parents love him and so do my siblings, so it is almost like we are married already, lol. But I think if things are better by tax time then we can hopefully either pay for or at least put money aside for my divorce. We have already decided on a wedding date, but it far enough in the future that we have plenty of time to plan and save. Plus I want to get this house sold before then. I really seriously need a house bigger then this one. I talked to a old acquaintance today and he should be talking to me some time this next week about financing. The biggest problem is my credit score, and the fact I am not currently getting the credit for my current loan, which sucks and is a long story.
The dogs have not destroyed anything lately, which has been wonderful. They are going outside potty more often, which I am super proud of them about. Asia is freaking huge. Not big, HUGE. She is solid too. Which is wild, two tiny petite puppies, have one super healthy chunk like her. But I love them all so much. Zoe's kitten, Sam, is growing up, and is wild. She plays with Asia all the time, and is madly in love with Justin. It is cute, she rides on his shoulder like a bird.
Speaking of Justin, I have to gush. I really don't think I have ever met anyone like him. I can't wait to take his name. We talk about when we get the new house and kids and stuff all the time. We can joke and laugh and be dorks together. Plus he has so much patience with me when I am moody and stuff. He is so wonderful to me. I have learned a lot of patience too. He is far from perfect, but I really wouldn't have him any other way. I think he really brings out the best in me
Thursday, November 20, 2008
I rescued a human today. Her eyes met mine as she walked down the corridor peering apprehensively into the kennels. I felt her need instantly and knew I had to help her. I wagged my tail, not too exuberantly, so she wouldn't be afraid. As she stopped at my kennel I blocked her view from a little accident I had in the back of my cage. I didn't want her to know that I hadn't been walked today. Sometimes the shelter keepers get too busy and I didn't want her to think poorly of them. As she read my kennel card I hoped that she wouldn't feel sad about my past. I only have the future to look forward to and want to make a difference in someone's life. She got down on her knees and made little kissy sounds at me. I shoved my shoulder and side of my head up against the bars to comfort her. Gentle fingertips caressed my neck; she was desperate for companionship. A tear fell down her cheek and I raised my paw to assure her that all would be well. Soon my kennel door opened and her smile was so bright that I instantly jumped into her arms. I would promise to keep her safe. I would promise to always be by her side. I would promise to do everything I could to see that radiant smile and sparkle in her eyes. I was so fortunate that she came down my corridor. So many more are out there who haven't walked the corridors. So many more to be saved. At least I could save one. I rescued a human today.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
I should be sleeping, but I feel like crap. I have a head cold and it is kicking my butt. I have gone through a few sites online and I want to write more about it later, but I have found a few good charity sites that require your time, and not money. Playing games it a great way to work your mind with is very good for your health. These two sites I have found are simples educational games you can play and help end world hunger. The sites are:
They are both cool and say you spent five minutes each day playing on them, then you could feed someone everyday! Doing your part to help others doesn't have to be hard at all. In many ways it can me fun. That's why I play the games on http://www.myyearbook.com and donate my earned 'money' to causes they have on there. They have several different ones including cancer, aids, child abuse, the rain forest and more. But I am dying now, so I am gonna head to bed, and maybe I will remember to post more about this tomorrow.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Thursday, November 13, 2008
I haven't written in a while, not really sure why. I still love to write. I have been doing a lot of swap-bot stuff lately. I am having to cut it short for a while because of the shortage on money. But Justin is supposed to start his second job on Monday or Tuesday. I am pretty excited about that. I think he will like it. We talked about it, and I was worried about him working two full time jobs. I felt really guilty with me only working one part time. But he told me he would rather me not work at all. I don't know if I could ever do that without going crazy, but I told him I don't want to work a ton of hours either, so we settled on things. Everyday he amazes me a little more. I had to come home early from work yesterday, and it was really weird. I got kinda sick, but it came on really fast. Like I was fine one minute and then the next I was ready to hit the floor literally. My manager let me go home, and that was a interesting drive. But I stopped by my moms house on the way and had my dad test my blood sugar. It was oddly high in comparison to what I had eaten that day. My mom has a condition where her blood sugar is too high, which I cannot spell for the life of me. Then being diabetic is when you don't produce enough. I am hoping I don't have the same thing as her, but I already eat healthy.
Justin, Jeremy, and I all went out to Prairie City a couple of days ago and picked up a special needs chihuahua. My mom has been talking about her old dog rusty(who died like years and years ago) and I could tell she could use another dog. Dogs and pets are very comforting and reassuring to people who have mental illness and depression, like me and my mom. I love Coco so much because I can come home to her everyday and know she loves me and needs me unconditionally. My mom has Gretchen, but she has slowly become Koty's dog. Koty leaves and she freaks out. So I got her a this sweet little boy, he has the right side of his face a little under developed. You can't tell except he has one ear smaller then the other. He is adorable and really sweet. He lets the kids hold him and sits in their laps, and he loves to kiss and cuddle. My mom was so happy when I surprised her with him. She had seen the ad too and had emailed the lady. I called her up and asked if I could come out that very night. I didn't want to miss out on this opportunity. My mom is the kind of person that would adopt the one-eyed, three legged dog from the pound. So I knew this little guy would be perfect for her. She has been having troubles of her own and I knew she needed some sort of pick me up. Every time I talk to her now she always mentions him.
The house is looking good, the only thing that doesn't stay kept up is the laundry. Me and Justin tend to slack on that from time to time. But other then that, things stay clean and happy. I can tell Jeremy wants to move back in, but I can't handle that stress. I hope maybe in the future he can mature some and then I can consider it. Until then I am really happy with it just being me and Justin. You know, and four dogs and two cats. I don't know if I wrote about it or not, but I did find spooky a good home. It is a really nice house, way out in the country. I think she will be really happy there. I am still looking for affordable ways to get my dogs and cats fixed.
I am doing really good on my Christmas shopping. I have already got gifts for Mom, Mickey, Holden, and Jeremy. I haven't gotten anything for Justin yet. But he is so hard to shop for. Most of the gifts I have so far are wrapped. Then I have turned the second bedroom into a craft room kind of. I needed a place to spread out my supplies, where the dogs would not eat them. I want to get Justin's dog Skeeter and big dog pillow for Christmas. Last night he was sleeping with one of Asia's little doggy pillows and it was cute and sad. So I wanna get one just for him.