Hey! This is my blog about my life and things in life I find interesting and I am passionate about!
Friday, September 26, 2008
ATC is short for Artist Trading Cards. I have decided to start making these. I think it is a neat idea. Basically you make them and trade them. You can't sell them. I really enjoyed making them. I will be trading them on Swap bot for other artists cards. I am very excited. The following are all the finshed ones I have so far and they all have their titles by them.
Eye Deep
Rain Water
Monday, September 22, 2008
New pictures
~~~~ ~~~ ~~ ~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~ These are of me and justin wrestling around on the bed. I trust him not to hurt me.

This is Koty's new punk/emo look. He did his hair for the Bullet for My Valentine Concert. Then mom bought him that damn pink hat. I think he can be a little weird.

These are the new pictures I put up in my kitchen. It was hard to pick a color, but I chose to go with a lighter green.
~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ Thanks to Asias body harness the boys call her suit case and have started to call Garth and Coco Suit Case Daddy and Suit Case Momma.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Today was really productive. I got the living room almost completely cleaned out. The books shelf is in there now and floor got cleaned. I had a bunch of boxes to move and they got moved where they belong. It is looking so much better now. I am really happy. Chris has been working on laundry all day. That's all he wanted to do today since he got up at 5 am throwing up. Poor thing, I got up with him and got him a glass of water and a cold wet cloth. He got to revisit his entire dinner. But I think he is feeling a bit better today. He ate the chili I made for dinner. Me and Justin got the tomato and onion for the chili from my moms. Justin helped me a lot with the house work today. We had a little drama because of his mom. She said she would pay for the repairs I did to his car and now she is going back on it. Which is really pissing me off. She really needs to grow up. She called him to come pick her up from the bar the other night because she got drunk off her ass. Zoe's kitten is getting so big. He is such a cutie. He sat up on his own today. Zoe decided the best place to have him was in Justins pant drawer. Justins dog Skeeter peed on the floor today and we aren't sure why. He has been acting kinda funny in my opinion. I need to work on getting rid of the couch, chair, recliner and the stuff on the front porch. We need extra cash, but we need to empty out the house too. I have been taking a bunch of stuff up to the consignment shop. I gave a bunch of stuff to my mom to give to her friend. I helped mom pick apples yesterday with her friend. It was kinda fun. Now I can have apples when ever I want for a while. There are a few in the fridge now. All in all, things are going very well. Once I get together the money to get the house appraised, we can have the house refinanced. So I am very excited about that. I am still not sure what will be happening at Prairie Meadows. I just don't want to go back there really. It just really sucked. But you have to do what you have to do. I have a bunch of swap-bot things to mail tomorrow. I am so excited about that. It has been really fun so far.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
New Site I Like
Well, I joined this new website where you swap things. It is really cool because you can swap craft supplies, knick-knacks, and all kinds of things. They have post card swaps so you can get them from all over the country and the world, they also have swaps where you and the other swapper make crafts for each other! Or if you draw, take photos, or other art work, you can trade those too! It is neat because what you get is always a surprise. I am doing my first swap right now, which is a coupon swap. I have to send 10 coupons to two people, and in return, two people who also signed up for the swap will also send ten coupons each to me. I have already mailed out mine, and I am excited to see what I get in return. The other swaps I have signed up for are a book-mark swap, a post card swap, a Halloween E-card swap, and two random swaps. They have random swaps where you get to pick from a variety of things like pens, candy, stationary, ribbon, buttons, and etc. It has been fun so far and I can't wait to get started on most of the swaps! The web site is http://www.swap-bot.com/
Monday, September 08, 2008
Wow, things can change fast! I went to the Renaissance fair with Justin and his mom on Saturday. On the way home he mentioned to her that he was wanting to move in here with me. She flipped out so bad that she is basically kicking him out. Her name is on the title to the mustang so she won't let him have it. He has another car though, so we are going to work on getting it on the road this week. Me, Jeremy, Justin, and Chris all went to adventure land and had a blast there. We were there basically all day. Me and Justin got bored of rides, so we went over to the casino. We didn't win anything, but we had a good time. I work tonight, then I am off two more nights. My mom really likes Justin and is going to let us rent her storage unit. We have to help Butch tomorrow and Wed. to combine both their units into one. Hopefully I will get my stove then. It is a huge unit, so I will get to put a lot of my stuff in there, which will make it so much easier to get the house finished. I made a bunch of phone calls today about the refinance. I have to make the rest of them tomorrow. Most of the paper work is coming in the mail. I am very excited, because things are coming together so well. Justin is here with me, and so is his dog Skeeter. I was worried his dog wouldn't get along with my dogs, but he is doing very well. Justin and Chris got the carpet tore up in the second bedroom. The floor is really nice in there. I am very excited about everything getting finished, because we are very close now. It has gotten to the point were we have only finishing touches to do really. I got the shower curtain set up completed today. Jeremy vacuumed and did the dishes. I was kind of unprepared for Justin to be here so soon, and now I really don't know where to put everything! But I know we will figure it out. I love having him near me. He makes me so happy, and everyone seems to like him. Zoe and her kitten are doing well. It kinda looks like a baby rat. My doctor gave me some new medicine to take when I am under too much stress. I took it the other night at work and it did work really well. So I am really happy about that. I carry it on me at work now. Things are going really well, and I hope they continue this way.
Thursday, September 04, 2008
Yes! We finally have a working dryer. I am so happy. Justins mom gave her old one to me. So we got it hooked up and Chris is already running laundry. I got a lot of stuff done today. I am almost completely moved into the second bedroom. I used wood cleaner on the floor and got the rug laid down, then we got all the furniture moved in except for the jewelry box. We have to clean out and paint the closet and then put the door back on. Chris did some more work in the bathroom and I love it. I just can't wait until I can afford the pedestal sink. We priced them at Menards and they aren't much, but I have to put the bills first. Krystal was super awesome and brought over some more groceries for me. I love her to death. Her and Dale are probably buying a house which is cool. I really need to sit down one day at moms and just have them fax everything there and get all the paper work in for my refinance. My loan guy called me today and asked if I got it done yet. So I know I need to get on it, but I keep putting it off. My insurance should be effective some time this week. I am so excited, because my medicine costs so much. Plus I need to see my family doctor about uping my meds and to fill out my FMLA forms so I can actually have sick days and not get fired. I am still looking for work here in town though. My checks are going to be so much less now, because I am not working over time, I joined the union, and now my insurance money coming out. Chris is moving out and due the stress Jeremy causes me I have asked him to move out. I can't keep getting sick at work like I have been. Next time I will have to tough it, or it may be my job. There is just so much going on right now, and not all bad things, just a lot. Zoe had ONE kitten. We are all shocked. It is a little boy. I think it is going to look just like her. Well, I am off to bed, and hoping tomorrow goes well.
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