I have not blogged in a while. I keep intending to but, I have been really busy. Yesterday and the day before were my first two days of work. The orientation went very well. I wasn't too bored and actually had some fun. I am now TIPS certified. Our water went out here at the house, because Jeremy broke a valve. It really wasn't his fault. He just set a box on a pipe that was about to die anyway. When Chris removed it he told me that it was corroded. Things are going pretty well now. Today is my day off. I don't work again until Saturday. I am excited about it. I am not sure when I get off though. Because it says I work from 2pm to close. Well if you know Prairie Meadows, you would know that it is open 24 hours a day. I am going to be working part time, but as soon as a full time position opens up I am going to try to go after it for sure. I don't get any benefits or anything until I am full time. Me and Mom still aren't getting along. It really bums me out. She promised that her and Butch would help out with all these repairs with the house and they just let me down again. Chris is starting to pull through for me though. He has some one lined up to do the re-wiring. Plus we are going to be working on water proofing the basement soon. I am really excited about that.
Oh and the most exciting thing that has happened all day is today was first snow!! And oh boy is it snowing. It has been snowing for like the past couple of hours, and I think we are coming up on 6 inches! If it keeps coming at this rate, then we may have a foot or more! At first it was kind of light,, and then the big fluffy flakes started coming down. It is sticking to everything but the road. There it just turns kinda mushy.
Zoe my cat has been out and about a lot more lately. I like having her around. It is like a sign of leisure and comfort. She is always resting some where. Her usual spot is on the small table in the middle of the room. Right now she is laying on my sewing table, right in front of the window. There must be something special about the spot because she isn't getting any warmth,
and no sun really. It is still light out, but it is usually dark around five now. Chris told me the other night that it was very weird to him for it to be so dark so early.
The puppies have been good. Garth is getting more and more social. He will come and curl up with you now while you are watching TV. But don't let Coco see, because then she will have to be on your lap too. Then the fighting will ensue. They are funny yo watch play. I love them to death. I was worried for a while that I was allergic to Garth, because it seemed like when I was around him my sinuses would act up. But now I realize it is just the season and I have try to keep things more clean inside. I have to vacuum a lot more because the dander can get to me. I made sure to pick up some anti-histamines at the store, so when I do get all stuffed up I have some thing I can take. Plus Jeremy has been having the same issue.
Chris has been doing okay health wise, with he exception of his fatigue. His job is really straining him because he is not on a regular work schedule. So I don't know how to help him. He says he wants another job, but wants to keep this job. Which I understand he is good at it, plus it is very secure. They need him and trust him there. But he needs to make more money. He said that he would wait on getting his own car so he could get a computer for his college. But I think he is going to regret that choice once he has to walk home from work in the snow. I don't know what to do though. I am going to have to wait and see what my pay checks are going to look like first.
Speaking of pay, I am hoping that I do get a lot of hours, because I want to be able to get Chris and Jeremy good Christmas gifts. I want this Christmas to be really special. Since it is the first one in our new home. Plus the three of us will be here all together. Oh and I don't know if I put this on here yet, but Jeremy has found out when he starts college. I can't remember the exact date, but it is in the beginning of Feb. SO I am really excited for him. I am so proud of him too, all his hard work. He is getting straight A's. Plus he has lost a lot of weight. He just really amazes me. That's why he totally deserves a wonderfully awesome Christmas gift.