Hey! This is my blog about my life and things in life I find interesting and I am passionate about!
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Money and Bills
Mom is having me and Koty go in and resign our advertiser routes. Mom told me that Koty and Jeremy are tired of doing them. Which is fine with me. So I have to go do that in a just a little bit. I also have to stop by the bank and deposit my GoodWill pay check. I got paid late. But it is ok, it is just nice to have a regular paycheck again. Mom is trying to get on at Prairie Meadows with Butch. If she gets on there, when my birthday rolls around they are going to try to get me hired on there too. Which would be really awesome because they pay like $10 starting for a lot of the positions. Plus they awesome benefits and right now I have none.
I had this nightmare last night that I got in a fight with my manager at GoodWill and like clocked out and left in the middle of my shift. And I was at home freaking out and my heart was racing and I kept saying I need to get back to work right now, but I kept finding ways to stall going back. So I don't know whats up with that.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Happy Halloween!

Me, Mom, Mickey, Holden, and Todd all went trick or treating together. It was a lot of fun. We went walking done the streets in me and moms neighborhoods. The kids did pretty well. We went to the church after that. They had whats called Trunk-or-Treat. People sit in the parking lots with their trunks open and the kids trick or treat there. Then we went to the hospital. By the time we all got there, we got through pretty quick. So it wasn't too bad, besides it was hot. Then we swung back by the church again. Finally we went and ate at McDonalds. They were having .59 cent cheeseburgers today. Mom bought us all dinner. Which was really nice of her. We went back to moms and unloaded. I had Todd bring me home, and I showed him around my house some. It is wild because I own so much stuff. But he has to work tomorrow, so we said our goodbyes. I have to say I had a overall Awesome day.
Wonderful Date

Monday, October 29, 2007
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Meet Garth!

Saturday, October 27, 2007
New Items for Sale
I have updated my new site and it has new items up for sale! I still in the process of moving and cleaning, so not a lot of new items. But I hope everyone enjoys! In the future I may have lots of childrens clothing. I have been helping my little sister sort out her clothes and I think my mother would give them to me if I asked, or basically consigned them for her. We got a lot done today at home. It looks much cleaner. I was going to upload some pictures on here, but it is not very happy with me, so you can just check out my link above.
Being Amazed
I guess this is just a moment to be thankful.
Mickey is watering coco. She is so sweet. I am lucky to have such a nice little sister. Holden is here playing one of our game boys. Zack is sitting in the living room watching full metal alchemist. It is the final episode which is really sad.
But I guess I am going to get my butt off here. I need to brush my hair and get to cleaning.
Weekend Finally
I picked up some bread some HyVee tonight and Chris is going to make me french toast in the morning. I am excited, but then not really, because he going to make it for me at 6 in the morning. I need to call Linda tomorrow too.
Oh, and I so going to bed now, Jeremy is standing behind me singing the crabs song. It is from Dave Chapelle. I am not sure if I spelled his last name right.
Friday, October 26, 2007
Low Bid Auctions
Once you get onto the site it has a simple two minute video you can watch explaining how to play the game. Or you can take a few minutes at your own pace and read the instructions on the page. Basically, you try to get the most unqiue low bid and then you win the prize, they pay for shipping and handling as well. The only thing you may have to pay for is taxes, depending on state!
Then when you bid on prizes, you recieve tokens to play on their online games as well. When you play these games you get chances to win cash!
You can join with a simple entry form. The only thing you can't do without a premium membership is redeem prizes. Which is ok, because if you win auctions or play games you still win and have fun doing it!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Monday, October 22, 2007
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Sometimes it is just good to be alive
Oh and by the way, chocolate milk is awesome. Sorry, but we can't usually afford milk, let alone chocolate milk.
I might play some guitar hero before bed. I am glad Jeremy got me addicted to it. But first I am off to hang up some of my clothes!
Friday, October 19, 2007
Cleaning Done
Anyways, Coco is peeing most of time on her puppy pads. I am so proud of her. I love that she can be a super hyper little thing, but then is my little lap buddy too.
My job interview went well, but I don't think it will work out because they are wanting a bunch of short shifts that would interfere with my GoodWill job. So I probably won't end up there. But thats ok, nursing homes can be kinda sad.
I found a bunch of my Hallloween decor today!! I put a bunch up, including this awesome string of lights that are really cute, they are little pumpkins. Oh and I carved a pumpkin on my facebook. It is cute. I let Mickey and Holden do one too. They had fun with it.
I am getting excited though, because my mom is going to have a Halloween party/House warming party. I think we are going to have our house warming party some time early November.
Chris has been a total sweet heart to me today, but then he feels kinda bad about this morning. I went in to wake him up and he scratched me. He didn't mean too but I was supposed to wake him up and he got grumpy. He felt so bad. It is ok though. He is in making chili spaghetti for dinner. He is such a good cook. All the boys are. I am one lucky girl. Me and Zack have been getting along better lately. Which is good for everyone. I am just glad we got so much done around the house today. The living room is useable, the kids are in watching the movie Cars. Zack is too. Today has been pretty good.
I had this bad dream last night that I had to check my water coming out of my pipes in the bath tub to see if they had this bug or poison or something in it. So I took home this test and tried it and we had it and I was freaking out. Then my dream switched over to me and Chris walking around this weird carnival place looking at used fridges. This one makes sense, because we need one. But every time we found one we liked and could afford, then it would have a tag on it saying some one had either bought it or reserved it. SO that was tons of fun. Oh and then Chris got a bunch of ice cream and was carrying it on his shoulder and was dropping it on the floor and I was really mad at him, because the place we were at was all hard wood floors and he got in trouble for dropping it. I was so mad and frustrated in my dream. Then some little girl was bugging me to do my hair, which happens a lot and I usually like but in my dream I had already taken the time to do it up and detailed braids and didn't want it messed with. But they kept bugging me. So yeah, not so great dreams last night.
But speaking of my hair, I need to go look for those clips and get me something to eat.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
New Post!!!
I have missed my Internet sooo badly. I had it shut off before the move and swore to myself I would not have new service put in until after we emptied the other house completely. This way I would not be distracted and stuff. In between this time and that time, we moved into our new home!! I am now officially a home owner! I love it here, the only major issue is the basements floods, so we have to get some exterior work done, before we can make it livable done there. I am going to turn this two bedroom house into a four bedroom eventually.
Oh, and I am now back among working people. My old manager at GoodWill called me and asked me to come back. I said yeah, because I loved that job a ton. I have already worked two days and I have 28 hours next week. While we are talking about jobs, I also have a interview for Heritage manor tomorrow that I have to go to. I would love to get hired on there, they have benefits! So we will see what happen with that. I will probably have to work two jobs. But I happen to like money so it will be okay. I think.
Coco has gained a whole pound! She is up to 3 pounds now. I love her so much. She is actually starting to use her puppy pads, but she gets confused a lot because she is so small and we keep moving all the furniture around. So I would have a hard time finding the bathroom too if I was her.
We got the Internet hooked up this morning, but they messed up a bunch of stuff and it didn't start working until a hour or so ago. Chris had to go into work early, so I got on here FINALLY. I have really missed the Internet, have I mentioned that yet??
Jeremy and Zack are back in my bedroom building me a closet that Chris and I designed. But if we ever move out we have to take it apart, because it can only go up and down the hallway because it is so big. But I really need it because I own a lot of clothes. Don't believe me? There are two 5 foot long dressers in my office/living room/dining room and they are full of clothes as well as a 2 shelves on a 5 foot book shelf. Plus I haven't even unpacked every thing. I can't find my pants!! Luckily I can go for a long time before I run out of clean clothes.
Then there is Zoe. She has been running around the house like a mad cat. Well now we can't find her, so we think it may be baby time. I wasn't expecting anything until at least November. But she may just be hiding because the boys are running power tools.
Okay I think maybe I might possibly be done writing for now. I think I may need to supervise the boys, if they screw up my closet I just may have to hurt them.
Sunday, October 07, 2007
No time to Play
Early Start
I don't have a lot of other plans today besides I think at some point I should go get boxes from moms and Lindas. Maybe from McDonalds too. I am really excited about the move. We only have 5 more days until we move! I have to call and find out tomorrow and find how much for sure we have to put down. Then I have to call the electric company and get that set to transfer. I just can't wait. I have decided where to put me and chris's desks and where I am going to keep all my stuff for sale. I just can't wait.
Saturday, October 06, 2007
But besides all that, I had the weirdest dream a little while ago. I was driving and a cop pulled me over. I had to get out of the car to talk to him. Well it was him and this female cop. They both started asking me questions about where I was going and what I was doing. They were getting really mean and said that if I kept dressing like that they were going to take away my drivers license!! I was only wearing a tank top and jeans! So they finally let me go and I went to my moms, and was crying my eyes out. Because all I own is like what I had on. But my mom was too busy to comfort me because her friend was pregnant or something and they and just went out and bought all this huge baby stuff and were too busy trying it all out. All though the lady who was pregnant looked bored.
So whats that supposed to mean???
Everyone is going to start getting upset with me, because from today on it is less then a week until we move, which meanas I am packing everything!
Sneaking Away
Today went pretty well. I am trying so hard not to turn on the air conditioner, so we can save on our electric bill. It is pretty hot in here. I have all the windows open and the fans are on, but it just isn't pulling the air in from the out side the way we need it too. Plus I have been running laundry all day. I wanted to get it all caught up. I got my clothes and Chris's clothes packed for next Friday. I am so excited about it. Exactly one week from today!
I bit the inside of my lip today while I was eating a chicken pot pie. It is kinda karma, because I don't really care for pot pies. But I was just eating it because we don't have a lot of food in the house. It never really healed and so I have this spot on the inside of my lip that kinda tastes like pennies. Weird, and slightly uncomfortable.
I put on one of my pairs of jeans this morning and I felt like I had gained ten pounds! That either means I need to exercise more or my period is going to start soon. So I need to make sure while I am packing stuff up that I don't pack up my pads, or comfortable pants.
Friday, October 05, 2007
Just Cleaning

Busy Day
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Meet Coco Bean Mills

She is a full chihuahua. She is seven weeks today. She was born Aug. 15, 2007. She is a little sweet heart!

Check it out Here:
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Monday, October 01, 2007
When I was out of state, I was in a place that wasn't pretty. Or enjoyable.
But now I am in Iowa. I love it here. It is beautiful. The way the leaves change to different colors of golden brown and red oranges. Each tree on it's own time and schedule. It is so beautiful to see the leaves fall one by one and be swept away by the wind. I drive past the elementary school as it lets out and kids run and jump and play in the leaves. The breeze is crisp and cool. Then it rained today, and it was cold and dreary for a bit. Then after the rain is that fresh smell that only nature can provide. Everything washed clean, fresh and new.
I am so thankful for these things, because once you don't have them, you miss the beauty. I missed enjoying this season. I love Halloween and the weather.
I picked up Holden and Mickey from school the other day, and Holden points out the window all excited and says"Look Panda! Half that tree has red leaves and the other half is still green!"
He is eight years old, and I am so glad he can see how amazing that is.
This is my home and I love it here.