Wednesday, October 01, 2014

Pregnancy Pictures and Update

I came up with a way to share my bi-weekly pictures without flooding people with lots of similar pictures and such. The red pictures are Baby A: Draven Phelix. Then the blue pictures are Baby B: Dante Phoenix. Each belly picture has two ultrasound pictures to go with it from they week. With my Mono-Di twin pregnancy they will be monitoring me with bi-weekly ultrasounds until I deliver at roughly 36-37 weeks. Right now as of 22 week and 3 days Baby A: Draven weighs 1 pound 7 ounces and Baby B: Dante weighs 1 pound 6 ounces. That is very healthy and BIG! As of 22 weeks that makes me 5 months pregnant. If we are counting down I have roughly 14-15 weeks of pregnancy left.
When it comes to preparing for the babies arrival I feel like I have so much more left to do. I have mostly what they need, it is just a few things left we have to have and lots of stocking in advance. I am feeling extremely nervous about their arrival and want to prepare as much as I can.

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