Wednesday, May 20, 2009

It has been interesting. I am going to get tested next Tuesday to find out if I have Lyme Disease. I am nervous because I want to have it and not to have it at the same time. It would mean a cure for so many little problems and yet it would mean one big problem. Things are good between me and Justin. I love him as much as ever. Right now Sam is cuddled up next to me, draped over my arm. I am going to volunteer tomorrow, and I am taking Holden with me. He is going with me because I am spending most of the day with him. Mickey is going into the hospital for most of the day to have tests done. I think I am going to meet Justin's sisters on Friday. I am kinda excited about that. He talks about them often, and then I have a big baby shower gift for his one sister.

Things are going great at Clothing Without Walls. I really enjoy volunteering there. I enjoy the fact that I am helping people. We have been increasing sales a lot lately, which I am super happy about. I hope we can catch up on the rent soon. Once we get the basement organized I want to get some more local churches involved with volunteering and donations, I would love to see more traffic there and to have it more well known. It is nice because Justin goes with me every Tuesday and then Chris goes with me at least once a week. So I am not doing it all by myself.

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