Tuesday, December 15, 2009

I am soo tired, but I can't sleep. I finally gave up and decided to get on the computer. World of Warcraft is shut down for maintenance. Blah. So I got on facebook and finally updated all my stuff on there. I am not alone in my not sleeping. Justin can't fall asleep either. We have a bunch of stuff to do today too! We have to take the dogs to get their shots, and drop off Garth to get him fixed. Oh, and before and after that we have to pick up and drop off the one dog I did sell because I told her I would get her shots for her. Then we have a eye appointment at WalMart for Chris and Justin. So they are both gonna get new glasses. Chris hasn't had his in years! Justin just needs new ones because he hasn't had his eyes checked in years.
Egypt is doing really good with her puppies. They are all very cute and healthy. I can't even tell which one is the runt of the litter. I am just still shocked she had a all white puppy. Pure white.
I am getting pretty excited for Christmas. I got almost all my gifts wrapped and ready to go! I have a hutch in the kitchen that has our tree on it, and it is covered in gifts. I am excited to see the kids freak out over what they are getting. Heck, I am gonna freak out over what they are getting! We are gonna have a blast! I have to say this year is coming to a pretty good end.

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