Friday, June 10, 2011


Today was a rather productie day for me. Jeremy got the Grand Am cleaned out, including vacuuming. It looks really nice but tomorrow he has to go out and clean off the dash board. We picked up a bottle of cleaner to use on it, it is the kind that cleans and protects. I got the living room cleaned up. It had gotten to be a mess with litttle areas of collective junk. I put away all my craft stuff. Jeremy got a ton of dishes done
When I had some free time I decided to look through my keepsake tote I have. I keep everything of personal and emotional value in there. Ever had some one ask you if you could grab one thing on your way out of your burning home what would you grab? This tote is it. It has all my journels, all my papers from school, coins I collect, and baby stuff from when I was born. I also have a copy of nearly every picture I have ever printed in there. Well I got looking through it and realized there was no way for me to enjoy any of these keepsakes stored the way they were. I decided I wanted to store all my school papers scrapbook style and discard a lot of the random papers I had from school, such as daily tests and worksheets that weren't very special.
I picked up a nice black scrapbook from Big Lots. For $8 I got the book stickers, punch outs, and tons of sheets. I don't plan to use the sheets since most of the papers with cover most the space. Starting off with kindergarten I tried to put everything in chronological order, or as closely as I could. I have already used 17 pages and have only made it up to sixth grade! Due to our budget I have to wait until next week to buy more filler sheets. Although I am very excited to see how it turns out in the end. A single book to have all my school memories in, instead of a bunch of random disorganized papers!

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