Monday, November 14, 2011

Piggy Banks

Everyone knows what a piggy bank is and its' purpose is to save money. I had a pink plastic rabbit and a clown bank when I was a little kid. Both of which I murdered so I could get the money out because I was a greedy little butt munch back then. I have always thought piggy banks were really cute, and picked up a few at yard sales and such. Then, a few years back, a great idea dawned on me. I knew I wanted to have kids some day and wanted to be able to provide a great future for them. Since I was always pretty poor it worried me a lot. Especially about sending them to college and such. So that is what started my piggy bank collection.
I fill my piggy banks with pennies, mostly. This keeps me from thinking about high dollar amounts stashed away, these two banks above maybe hold a couple of dollars worth of pennies each. If they doesn't sound like much, it adds up when you have a lo of banks like I do. I have a all shapes and sizes.
The bank above I got on Halloween clearance this year. Basically what I plan to do is when the baby is born, I will take and cash out the banks into a savings account or invest in bonds, or similar things to help the money grow.  Then probably about every five years I will do the same thing again. The sooner the banks fill up the sooner I will cash them out. So in many ways it is true what they say about a penny saved is a penny earned

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