Monday, August 19, 2013

It can wait

I think the first thing I have learned as a parent so far and one of the biggest things is that everything else can wait. I sit down and rock him just to rock him. When I feed Aries I look into his eyes and talk to him. I take that extra five minutes to cuddle him before laying him down to bed. Because everything else can wait. The dishes can wait. It won't hurt me to wait to go to the bathroom, five minutes never killed anyone. My favorite TV show can wait, it will be on again. The laundry can be folded another time, he is only little once. He is only a baby once. He smiles when he is gassy and rolls his eyes when he is fighting sleep. I see him do this every day, but yet every time it brings a new smile to my face. Becoming a mother changes you forever. 

From the moment I became pregnant my son came first. While I was pregnant I ate right, took vitamins, and went to all my prenatal appointments. From the minute I knew he existed my entire world changed, and for the better. I never knew what it was like to love some one with all my heart and so unconditionally. Then seeing him in his fathers arms brings me twice the joy. The two most important men in my life, and I wouldn't change it for the world. Everyday I tell myself it can wait, because Aries needs me now. I may be a little behind on the house work, and at the end of the day things are left undone, but my son had my attention today. He will everyday, because he will grow up fast and I won't have these times anymore. So I hold him close every chance I get and love every minute.

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