Sunday, February 03, 2008


Well, today I wrecked Jeremys car. It is right now in some towing place in Iowa city. We wewre on our way to Cedar Rapids to buy me another Honda. I was very excited about the deal I was getting so I thought traveling in such bad conditions was worth it. So we were on our way. About 45 minutes into our trip traveling east bound on I-80, I went to break as a semi switched lanes revealing that the traffic was very much slower then him. Well, I tried to break and car said no, and we spun out and ended up in the left hand lane in the west bound of I-80, facing the correct direction. I drove back through the median and got back in my orginal lane going back the way I was supposed to. In case your wondering, no that wasn't how I wrecked Jeremy's car. About 35 to 45 minutes later we were traveling a ways beind a large group of cars, when they all slowed down rather quickly( later on I found out it was due to a woman rear ending a semi) and I was unable to reduce my speed as fast. I quickly had to decide what to do and I chose to take the car into the ditch on the right hand side. But I seconded guessed myself and began to turn too late, and the rear end of my car caught up with me as I tried to ditch myself. I slid diagonally into the back of a white van, hitting only my drivers door and the back drivers corner of their car. I 'bounced' off the van and went a ways into the ditch. When I hit the van it broke out every inch of the drivers window, and the door is bent inwards at a V shape and the paramedic said it was 8 inches. I was taken to the emergency room, but I am all good. Just very very sore, and little cuts on my face.

Well, now you all know where I was today, and why the next few days I will be tired and sore!

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