Wednesday, October 09, 2013

Fitness and Pregnancy

My pregnancy was planned, we were trying to get pregnant. But at the same time I wasn't preparing my body to have a baby. I spent most of my pregnancy being miserable. My baby was healthy and well taken care of, but I was sick, sore and just uncomfortable. Had I been in better shape and taken better care of myself in advance I would have possibly done better.

So basically my big plan is to get my body back into shape and earn back my before baby body, plus some. So first we are starting out with walking. Getting my body used to moving around again. Then I want to add in playing Dance Central on the Xbox360. We haven't gotten the living room cleaned out enough to play yet, but will soon. I have also started looking for ways to eat healthier. I have started eating yogurt and cooking more at home. We only eat out once a week now and I am trying to eat more fresh things, like raw veggies. 

When we do decide to have our next baby, this mommy wants to be ready, physically as well as mentally. Also I want Aries to see me as a role model in his future health choices. I want him to chose to be active and eat healthy always. I love his Daddy, but he is a true junk food junky.

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