Sunday, July 13, 2008

Stephen Stonebreaker

Yes, this post is for you, because I am sure you will read it. You need to leave me alone, no wonder girls want nothing to do with you after they date you! You are psycho! There was no sub-message in the last blog I wrote what so ever! I said everything straight to the point and could not be more clear for the most part. but no, there was no secret message in there for you. But thanks to that blog it showed me what a deranged loony you are! You are very paranoid and need to seek help. Just because I don't feel a connection with you now doesn't mean there could not have ever been one, but you kinda ruined that. You are more dramatic then any woman I have ever met and I have known some very dramatic women. You turned everything I said into something else, and you created the issues that just weren't there. You texted me and said I planned this from the beginning? Why would I do that? What would be the point? I have a extremely busy life, and I have no time for dumb shit like that! But I would much rather go back to my ex who cheated, lied and stole from me then be with you, because he may have acted stupid, but at least he wasn't all crazy paranoid like you are! It is just sad, I write a post about things that are bringing me down and you take it all as a personal message for you, how self centered can you be? You need to get your head on straight before you go hurting another girl. And yes you hurt me, a lot. Telling a girl that she is a waste of time, after she writes a depressing blog, is going to hurt her. Oh and you need to learn to not assume things, because it just makes you out to be a huge douche bag.
Just so you know, I do hate you and hope you fall off the face off the earth. Don't text me, don't call me or I will have the police all over you, because I do work with them every single night.

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