Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Well, Aaron broke up with me days ago. Something about us having nothing in common.But I really don't care, he was kinda a jerk anyway. But the same day we broke up I met Justin online.He is so funny and smart. Then the next day I went out with him and things have been wonderful since.I am so happy. I love being around him. He treats me like a princess and encourages my dreams. He is cute and funny and just a wonderful guy. I think me and him are going to last a while. We went to Best Buy the other day to get some stuff and I picked up a new phone. I had a gift certificate I needed to use up. So it was really cheap. Then we went to this neat book store and Justin bought me this neat journal book. You go through and answer all the questions in it. I really love it. Poor Chris has been so sick lately. Has been just trying to sleep it off. He should be fine though, he just a lot of up-set stomach.I am taking the puppies into Mickeys class today. She is really excited about that. Mom did Farmers Market yesterday and did really good. I only made 75 cents. But hey, money is money.

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