Friday, August 22, 2008

Wow,I am having such a hard time keeping trackof what day it is. Working nights has me all confused. I took Coco and Asia to Holdens show and tell today. They both did really well. I am very proud of Coco, she walked where she was supposed to walk and was a really good girl. Holden loved it. Now Mickey wants me to bring them. Krystal had her interview with IowaTelecom. She said it went well and I really hope she gets the job. I am not going to be switching to days, the only position they have open has sunday monday off and that would defeat the purpose of me riding with Butch so I can save on gas. I really need to just ride with Jason and Janelle more. I am having a big yard sale tomorrow, and selling moms fresh produce at it. I think it will really help draw in customers. Now she has all the stuff so she can sell anything at the farmers market. So Chris is going to be making jewlery and stuff to sell there. I really could use the cash. I still haven't found anyone to trade my car yet. Working on it though.

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