Saturday, March 08, 2008

Everyday that goes by is different, but all the same in a lot of ways. I think I am a little caught up in the mundane of it all really. Once spring actually starts and things are changing more then maybe things will be a bit brighter. Right now it is just kind of blah. Things didn’t work out with Brian. I don’t get him. Oh well, next on the list I guess. I have been getting back into myspace. I am hoping to get to know my sister more that way. I haven’t been able to check it yet today because the internet is messed up at my moms house. She is doing well after her surgery. She is in a lot of pain though, and is bed-ridden for the most part. So it kind of sucks. She was able to make a stew for tonight for dinner, it is ready in the crock pot. I am just sitting outside the school waiting for Mickey and Holden right now. I am really proud of how they are doing in school. They get awards all the time for their grades and good behavior. I was a hellion when I was a kid and only got awards in church. But I have changed a lot and that is good. Today at school the kids had a crazy hair day, so I got to do Mickey’s really cool and Holden’s I did like a Mohawk thing. It was cool looking. I put pictures of it on here later, because my mom took pictures. I ran some errands for Mom today too. She needed me to run to the post office and to Hy-Vee. I did end up having to go to Wal-Mart too. She wanted these boxes of cereal with books in them, and is going to use them on our paperback swap site. I have an other book I need to get shipped out too. One of the books I received is called the Embrace. It is really good so far, but it is based on a true story. It took place in 1996 and is about a vampire cult that murdered a girls family. It is just really wild to believe it happened. Right now the book is describing how he would murder animals and it is just horrible. But then I think it is good to have books like that to remind us of the fact that there are really bad people in this world. Here in Newton we really don’t have a lot of violence or crime. We are very lucky for that too. I have had people my age tell me how Newton isn’t safe. I don’t worry about walking down the street, because I know I am not going to get robbed or mugged. It just doesn’t happen here. I had a teacher tell us once she used to teach in Texas and she let a student go to the bathroom and about ten minutes later he had been stabbed to death outside her class room door. When I lived in South Carolina I never felt safe. There was always drugs, gangs, and violence every where. I hated it there. I know Chris and I will never go back. He hates it there more then me. That’s probably because he lived there longer. I plan on staying in Newton forever. This is my home. We are supposed to be getting a casino in here in the next year or so. I am very excited. All the jobs it will offer to the town, then property values will go up as well. It is really a time for Newton to be making a come back after the loss of Maytag.

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